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Byotrol welcomes recommended ‘Green Light’ for alcohol-free hand sanitisers in the UK

An influential UK Government-sponsored Task Force has recommended a regulatory ‘green light’ for alcohol-free hand sanitisers, heralding a sea change for Britons with sensitive skin, children, and the elderly.

On Wednesday, 16th June 2021, the Task Force on Innovation, Growth, and Regulatory Reform reported back to the Prime Minister on the UK regulatory regime post-Brexit.  Its report included a specific recommendation that alcohol-free hand sanitisers (with the appropriate test passes) now be formally recognised as suitable for use in the UK.  This move will place alcohol-free products on a level playing field with alcohol-based products and will clear confusion amongst healthcare professionals, businesses, and consumers.  As such it should increase choice for consumers and further promote a healthy society.

According to Byotrol’s Chief Technical Officer, Dr. Trevor Francis: “The truth is that many chemistries other than alcohol are effective against viruses and bacteria, and some are already being used by healthcare specialists including surgeons.  This report is relatively late in the day but is still a very welcome pathway to creating a level-playing field for the hand sanitiser industry in the UK, whilst promoting consumer choice and public health.  It also recognises how companies like Byotrol can harness innovative thinking, research, and product development to provide better, safer, and groundbreaking technologies to protect users from bacteria and viruses, all without damaging skin or increasing health and safety concerns”.

With almost 50% of the adult British population reporting skin damage from the use of alcohol-based sanitisers since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, there is a fear that this could lead to a reduced inclination to regular sanitising.   But if the task force recommendations are accepted, consumers will have a wider choice of products to use and will be more likely to take proactive protection.

As Byotrol’s Head of Hand Hygiene, Alastair Demick, says: “Byotrol’s INVIRTU alcohol-free hand sanitisers provide a welcome and safe alternative to any consumers with cultural, safety, or skin issues with using alcohol-based products.  We are delighted that the UK Government’s task force has recognised this and is helping to create more choice for all members of our society.”
