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Mon to Fri 09:00 - 17:00

CHEMGENE Diluted Chlorine Tablet Trigger Spray and Dilution Stickers


In addition to providing effective disinfectants for human health, laboratory and forensics environments, Byotrol aims to make the compliant, safe, and correct use of our products simple.

This 1 Litre reusable bottle allows easy application of diluted chlorine tablets, whilst the ergonomic trigger spray design reduces strain on the user.

Dilution stickers allow quick colour coding of areas to prevent the spread of infection, whilst also reminding the user of the dilution in the bottle, and when it was created.

Reorder code Pack Size Case Quantity
1 litre
5 units
200 stickers (4 colours)


Always read the safety data sheet and product label before use. Wear the relevant personal protective equipment. 

Dilute CHEMGENE MEDLAB Chlorine Disinfectant Tablets in accordance with the dilution chart.

1 tablet diluted in 1 litre of water = 1000ppm

Always add water to the bottle first then the tablets. 

Record the date of dilution and dilution rate on the sticker and place it on the container. 

The diluted solution should be replaced after 7 days.

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